This is the third story for families based on the next passage in the gospel of Mark. Each story is short - 200 words or less. Each story is simple - I've tried to use language that a 3-7 year old can understand. I've also included a few questions at the end to try and help move the conversation between parent(s) and child(ren) towards the point of the passage for us today.

Follow the King based on Mark 1:16-20 and Mark 2:13-17:
There were two brothers called Simon and Andrew. And they were fishermen (which meant they were very smelly!) But Simon and Andrew had seen that Jesus was a really powerful King. And so when Jesus called to them one day, Simon and Andrew listened. Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me!’ And they did. Straight away.
There were also two brothers called James and John. And they were fishermen too (which meant they were very smelly too!) And James and John had also seen that Jesus was a really powerful King. And so when Jesus called to them one day, James and John listened. Jesus said them, ‘Follow me!’ And they did. Straight away.
But then there was Matthew. And Matthew wasn’t a fisherman. He was a tax collector. And he was a very, very greedy man. But Jesus was a very, very forgiving King. Matthew had seen that Jesus was a very, very forgiving King. And so when Jesus called to him one day – Matthew listened. Jesus said to him, ‘Follow me!’ And he did. Straight away. And so Matthew was also friends with King Jesus – and that was good news for him too.
Why did Simon, Andrew, James, John and Matthew all follow Jesus?
What type of King is Jesus?
Why is it good news to follow King Jesus?