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The elders are currently reading a book called The Soul Winning Church: Six Keys to Fostering a Genuine Evangelistic Culture. We'd love you to read it too - we've just reached chapter 4, about Personal Evangelism.

The authors - J. A. Medders and Doug Logan - say the essence of evangelism is simply telling people how awesome Jesus is. They write:

'People are often nervous about evangelism because they don't want to wade into the culture's hot topics, or they don't feel equipped to engage in apologetic arguments. The apostle Peter helps us reframe the content of our evangelism in 1 Peter 2:

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy (1 Peter 2:9-10, ESV).

Most of this passage is about who we are, as believers. After framing our identity, Peter sets the activity that flows from that identity - "that you may proclaim." Peter sees Christians as proclaimers, heralds, "make-knowners" of the gospel and the excellencies of Jesus. He says we are to proclaim "the excellencies of him."

In other words, the task and privilege of every Christian is to simply tell others how awesome Jesus is.

We can tell them how wonderful he is. We can tell them how incredible he is. We don't have to get embroiled in an argument. Proclamation isn't argumentation. We don't have to have every answer. We can say, "I don't know - let me think about that and get back to you. But for the moment, can I tell you why I believe Jesus is the key to life and eternity?" We can think about the ways in which Jesus is amazing - his perfections, sinlessness, deity, kindness, mercy, power, miracles, teaching - and make them known. And most of all, we can talk about how incredible it is that Jesus would die on a Roman cross for sinners like us. We can share how amazing it is that Jesus would die in our place and that he would rise again from the dead and is reigning in heaven, offering real joy-producing, life-altering forgiveness for anyone who believes in him. We can talk about amazing grace, non-expiring mercy, eternal life, and the love of God.

What amazes you about Jesus? What do you love about Jesus? Talk about that with people.'

They go on to say that people really are ready to hear. Apparently, according to a 2021 study, 66% of people are open or very open to a conversation about the Christian faith. In the UK, according to the 2022 Talking Jesus Survey, 75% of non-christians who had a conversation with a Christian friend about Jesus felt comfortable doing so, and 33% of them left the conversation wanting to know more about Jesus. That's one in three! Could it be that more people are willing to talk about Christianity than we tend to think?

The people of Emersons Green love Halloween! Each year more and more people decorate their houses and gardens and more and more children get dressed up and walk around the streets trick or treating. For many of us, we do just the opposite! We close our curtains, turn the lights off and go to bed early. But why?! There's no need to be afraid of the dark, Jesus is the light of the world! In fact, at this time of year, as people knock on our doors wanting something from us, why not use the opportunity to offer them light and life, hospitality and hope. Jesus says to us in Matthew 5:14-16, 'You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in their house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.' This year, rather than shying away how about shining out? Here are a few things we can do to let our light shine...

  1. Share. Many of us use social media, and Halloween is a great time to share a video and tag a few friends you'd like to watch it. One of my favourites is Trick or Treat? by Glen Scrivener and Speak Life.

  1. Decorate. If you're creative, or even if you're not, how about decorating your house and garden? Put some fairly lights up, make a window display or carve a pumpkin (even I can carve a heart into a pumpkin!)

  1. Give! A pumpkin outside your house is an invitation to Trick or Treaters to knock on your front door, and when they do why not give them a bag of sweets, a couple of glow sticks, some colouring sheets and a gospel track? The Good Book Company or 10ofthose have a wide selection of Halloween tracks - one of my favourites is The Pumpkin Story by Ed Drew.

As the people of Emersons Green celebrate darkness and death, let's use the opportunity to celebrate and communicate the light and life of Jesus Christ.

The Christian Institute have invited us to a public meeting on Tuesday 15th October, 7:30pm at Kensington Baptist Church. The Institute's staff will give important updates on key contemporary issues. This is what they say...

'We must defend gospel freedom because activitists want a law against 'conversion therapy' to impose LGBT theology on preaching, prayer, pastoral work and parent-child conversations.

Allowing assisted suicide would put vulnerable people at risk, but the most sick and fragile in soiety are still valuable because they are made in God's image. Meanwhile, in our schools, pupils are increasingly exposed to harmful ideologies and anti-Christian teaching. The good news is there are many ways Christians can be a positive influence.

Please join us to hear more about the difference you can make.'

Tuesday 15th October, 7:30pm

Kensington Baptist Church

208 Stapleton Road




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