Our first 'Weekend Away' is in the diary for next June (19th-21st). Booking is now open! Reb gives us three reasons to consider coming...
Time away
Life is busy! Emails, work, commuting, cooking, housework, bills, homework, seeing friends, seeing family, seeing the dentist (when you get a chance)… the list is endless. We live in a 24/7 ‘always on’ world and seem to be rushing from one thing to the next. And those moments we do have to ourselves can easily be consumed by Netflix or social media. So one good reason to come on the Weekend Away is to give yourself time away. Time to switch off from the busy rush of life just for a weekend and time to invest in church family and with God. And if that’s not a good reason then hopefully the stunning setting of the peaceful Dartmoor National Park will draw you in.

Time together
“We really must have John and Jane round to get to know them better!” No doubt a sentence most of us have said about many people at church. We always have the best intentions to spend more time getting to know each other better, but can often allow the busyness of life to get in the way. Well this has to be one of the best reasons to come on the weekend away; getting to know each other as church family. And let’s not underestimate the importance of this. As Christians we are called to love another and one of the best ways to do that is to make the time to get to know each other deeper than a two minute “How was your week?” on a Sunday morning. And the weekend away will have lots of downtime in the schedule to allow for that quality time. So whether you’re in to chatting over games in a group or a good brew one-to-one there will be lots of quality time for everyone!
Time with God
There are 101 things you could do with your weekend, but one thing we can guarantee is that there will be no better use of your time, because we will be spending time listening to God in His Word which is an eternal investment! We have a fantastic Bible teacher for the weekend; Andy Paterson, who will be teaching on the 'Cross of Christ,' the defining moment in history, the single most pivotal and greatest event in the universe and at the heart of the Christian faith! God’s Word is alive and active and never returns empty. So being able to spend a whole weekend tuning off from the world and tuning into the God of the universe we pray will be a significant time in the year and your walk with God. For parents, we will be putting a crèche on so you can have some quality time in God's Word to focus without your little one(s) distracting you. We spend our time and money investing in a lot of things for ourselves; our physical wellbeing, our health, our entertainment, all good gifts from God, but nothing can be more important than investing in our souls. So what are you waiting for? Treat your soul and book on to the Weekend Away now!