We're really encouraged that Morgan has applied to become a member of the Village Church. In his own words, here is his testimony of God's grace in his life:
I had the privilege of being brought up in a Christian family. My parents took me to church every week, they sent me to Sunday school and the church youth group each week too. So, from a young age I had heard many Bible stories and teachings, but I also knew that becoming a Christian had to be a personal decision and was not automatic because my parents were Christians. I knew that I needed to admit and repent of my sins, and thank God for sending his son to die on the cross for me. Today I am a Christian, not because of what I have achieved or any good things I may have done, but because of what the Lord has done for me giving me his grace and mercy through Christ.
I became a Christian sometime in my teenage years. Off the back of a Christian camp I remember thinking something was different that year. Previously, I’d often thought to myself I wanted to became a Christian and each year I went on camp, I’d come back with what could be said a ‘spiritual high’ but that was it, it only lasted a week, maybe two at most. I’d stop reading my Bible, praying and stop listening in services. I had stopped everything I could do to come to know Jesus. But one year was different. During the camp one of my leaders gave her testimony and a big part of it for her was praying for assurance of her faith. This was something I felt I could relate to and she encouraged me to pray for assurance for my own faith, if I had it. A few months later, God had answered my prayers. I remember one Sunday school class we were looking at John 3, discussing Nicodemus and being born again with Jesus and it was what we were discussing that made me realise I believed the gospel for myself and I wanted to live as a Christian.
A few years have passed since then, and praise God for growing and maturing me in my faith. Going to Exeter University was a great opportunity and experience to live my faith out, but also to be surrounded by other Christians my age at university and St Leonards Church. The 3 years I had in Exeter University, followed by a year working as a Ministry Assistant was a time of great fellowship, learning how to handle the Bible, as well as the challenge of being bold to share my faith and encourage other students to consider the gospel for themselves. Exeter was the place where I met Emily and soon after I finished University we got married, moved to Bristol and settled in the Village Church. We give thanks to God for helping us settle and pray he continues to grow us in our faith and that he will use us to encourage Village Church and in some way further his kingdom.