Jesus says: 'Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom' (Luke 12:32). Jesus tells us not to be afraid, and in this one verses he gives us at least two reasons why...
Firstly, don't be afraid because we're his flock. Jesus calls his disciples a flock. He calls us sheep. And sheep have a lot of reasons to be afraid. Sheep are weak and vulnerable, and so are we. Jesus calls his disciples a little flock. A large flock has reasons to be afraid, but a little flock has a lot of reasons to be afraid. A little flock is weak and vulnerable, and so are we. But if we're a little flock, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. And Jesus loves his flock. He laid down his life for us. And Jesus leads his flock. Even though we walk through the darkest valleys, we will fear no evil, for he is with us. We're weak and vulnerable, but Jesus isn't. Jesus has all authority. He has the authority to lay his life down, and he has the authority to take it up again. I am one of his sheep - you (Christian) are one of his sheep - we're his flock - and so don't be afraid.

Secondly, don't be afraid because God is your Father. Jesus says to his disciples, 'God is your Father'. And Jesus says to us, 'Your Father is generous. You don't have to get from him. You don't have to gain from him. He gives to you!' And do you see what he gives? Jesus says, 'Your Father gives you the Kingdom.' Our Father has given us a King - his one and only Son - and he gives us the Kingdom. And when the Kingdom comes, when the Kingdom is consummated, when we enter eternity, we will enjoy eternity. Jesus tells us, 'You're not going to be there as slaves, but you're going to be there as sons and daughters.' Our relationship with God is close and personal - he is our Father - but in eternity we will enjoy that more and more.
I love what Jesus says here: '...your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.' Or in the ESV translation of the Bible: ' is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.' Jesus says to us, 'God is your Father. He gives, and he gives generously. He gives, and he gives glady. He gives, and he gives graciously.' Despite who we are and what we've done, through faith in Christ, we are children of God. However far we've fallen; however deep our depravity, through faith in Christ we are children of God. And our Father gives us the Kingdom. He has been pleased to do so. It is his pleasure. I am a child of God - you (Christian) are a child of God - God is our Father - and so don't be afraid.